PA System Rental


  • Tour guides
  • Class room address
  • CEO's crowd communication
  • Lounge gigs, coffee houses
  • Conferences, meetings, auditoriums
  • In general, anytime you want to to increase your sound level.

What is Included

✓ Loud speakers
✓ Microphones
✓ Amplifier


Battery Operated PA Systems

Fender PD 150 For 50 people indoor
Fender PD 250 For 100 people indoor
Fender PD 10 For 10 people or less (indoor)

Or use battery with any of our systems:
We will give you a fully charged battery with inverter.


Basic PA System A

Group Size: 10 or less
Watts: 27 watts mono
Weighs: 6.5lbs
✔ One Dynamic wired mic.
✔ Mic cable 3ft. coiled
✔ Fully charged battery (lasts for 5 hrs.).
✔ Built in amp.and a speaker

Deluxe PA System A

Group Size: 75 or 150
Watts: 150 watts
Weighs: 30lbs
✔ One wired One Wireless.
✔ Two 1/4 pin cables
✔ Fully charged battery (lasts for 5 hrs.).
✔ Built in amp.and four channel mixer
✔ Iphone adapter cable to connect iphone etc.

Premium PA System A

Group Size: 200 or 300
Watts: 500 watts (streo)
Weighs: 44lbs
✔ One Wired Two Wireless mics.
✔ Two 1/4 pin cables
✔ Fully charged battery (lasts for 5 hrs.).
✔ Built in amp.and four channel mixer
✔ One Cable for Iphone/Ipod/laptop etc.

PA System Rental For Events

Rental Guide for PA Speaker Systems

You’re in the market to rent a PA speaker, but you’re not quite sure where to start looking. Considering how many models are currently available, choosing just one can surely be a daunting task. They all come in a wide range of prices as well.

What you need to think about is how you’ll be using the system, how large you need the system to be, how many speakers you need, and how powerful the system has to be to carry out your needs.

Speakers can be active, passive, portable, permanent, and battery operated, to name a few. You can also choose from a wide range of accessories to make the system more effective and easier to use, including microphones, subwoofers, cables, and so on.

Why Rent a Speaker System?

A good quality PA speaker system is highly useful for events such as weddings, parties, corporate presentations, birthdays, proms, and so on. Any musician or DJ will want to get their hands on a good quality system in order to get the best sound possible.

Renting make sense for those who might not need such equipment on a full-time basis, or don’t want to spend a lot of money flat-out buying it. Renting is also a good choice for those who don’t want to have to deal with the maintenance and upkeep of PA speaker systems.

Things to Consider When Renting a PA Speaker System

Before you go out and rent a PA speaker system, you need consider a few things first. You don’t want to rent a system only to find out after the fact it’s not what you needed. Consider the following factors before you rent:

  1. How the PA Speaker System Will Be Used

The most important thing to think about when renting a PA speaker system is how you intend on using it. If you’re using it for an occasional family gathering or small event, then the system really doesn’t need to be too large or overly expensive. You can probably get away with a battery-operated system that’s small and portable.

On the other hand, if you plan on using the system to play in front of a crowd of 150+ people, you’ll want to get your hands on a professional-grade system.

  1. Size of the Speaker System

Generally speaking, the bigger the size of the speaker, the louder it’ll be. Smaller PA systems might suit a small lounge event well enough, but a much larger venue with hundreds of guests will warrant a much larger system, with at least 15-inch speakers.

Consider the amount of space and effort you’ll need to carry around and store the system. Dragging around really big equipment in a small vehicle probably won’t be very practical. If you’re tight on space, look for a system that’s smaller in size, but still packs plenty of power. PA speaker systems can be quite heavy, so you want to be sure to rent something that’s not too heavy or bulky.

  1. Think About How Many Speakers You’ll Need

The number of speakers you require will depend on the size of the venue that the PA system will be used in. You’ll also want to consider your budget in this case. Although it’s much cheaper to rent rather than buy, you still want to make sure that whatever you’re spending is well within your budget.

Small venues may only need two speakers – one for each side of the stage – while larger venues might call for four speakers – two at the front and two at the back.

  1. Think About How Much Power is Needed

A good rule of thumb to follow when it comes to the amount of power required is: the more wattage, the louder the speakers. The speakers’ power should accurately reflect the amplifier’s power that’s being used with the speakers.

For separate units, you need to select the right amplifier that is to be used with the speakers so they don’t get damaged. Power is measured in watts. Smaller events will be fine with a 25-watt PA system, whereas larger events will require a 300-watt system, for instance.

Various Types of PA Speaker Systems

There are all sorts of PA speakers systems available for rent, each designed with a specific purpose in mind. Before renting, consider the following factors:

Battery or AC Powered?

There are certain speakers out there that are only able to be powered by AC or battery only, while other types can be powered by both. Those that are powered by battery are versatile in that they are easy to use and transport.

However, these do need to be recharged every once in a while as the batteries drain. If you plan on using your PA system for a long time straight through, then maybe battery-powered systems aren’t the most suitable option.

Systems powered by AC can run for hours and hours. The more powerful PA speaker systems typically run on AC power, particularly if there are other things that have to be run, like microphones, amplifiers or other speakers.

A system that can be powered both ways is most ideal.

Passive or Active Speakers?

You also have the option to choose between active or passive speakers. Active speakers have the amplifier built right into them, which is more convenient and offers a quicker set-up.

These are better suited for those who don’t have too much space to work with, since only one unit is needed. The downfall is that they are heavy and not as easy to lug around. In addition, if the amp component breaks down, the entire unit won’t work.

Passive speakers do not have an amplifier built in, and require a separate amplifier. The advantage to this type of set up is that the speaker cabinets are lighter, and the system itself is more flexible at producing different sounds, as well as replacing an individual component if it breaks down.

Portable or Permanent?

For those who wants something to be used at various venues, including the outdoors, a portable system may work best. On the other hand, for those who use the systems at regular venues, offices or warehouses, a permanent solution may be better suited.


There are plenty of accessories that you can add onto the system to make things more convenient and effective. Consider the following:

~ Microphones – A microphone will be needed to deliver your voice through the PA system, and come in wired or wireless versions;

~ Subwoofer – These pieces of equipment deliver low frequency sounds known as “bass” that the majority of PA systems can’t create on their own;

~ Cables – All kinds of cables are available for speaker systems to rent, with different connections. The more units involved, the more cables required.

The Bottom Line

PA speaker systems are used for a number of reasons, which will influence the specific type of system that you will be looking at to rent. Because of such a wide range of applications, it’s important to choose the right type of system before renting one.